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Predicted Decor and Modern Furniture Trends

Interionic Design using these deep, rich shades and colors will be key in the 2019 modern furniture trends. Deep colors on the walls with neutral furniture will likely be a prominent trend, making solid color the focus of the room. On the other hand, we may see a lot of neutral paints with bright accent walls and bright furniture to complement them.

Muted pastels will also likely be a huge modern furniture and decor trend in the upcoming year. Chalky tones will have a place in almost any color palette and are perfect for a minimalist design, which is always in style recently!

Metallic tones will also likely be huge in 2019, whether for decor or furniture bases. Interionic Design will be a bold finish contrasting the deep colors and will complement the pastel and neutral shades well. In spaces using deep greens, however, wood furniture may be the material of choice!

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